Official start of fieldwork

It’s official, fieldwork for the TrackFLU project is now underway as of early January! We have kicked things off in Takeo province, where we are exploring a variety of poultry trading and production systems. This includes visits to live bird markets, poultry farms, storage and slaughter facilities, and even free-grazing flocks. Interviews with stakeholders, as …

Pre-visit week to select markets and farms

This past week, our team conducted preliminary visits to five Cambodian provinces included in the TrackFLU project: Takeo, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kampong Thom and Battambang. These visits were essential to select live bird markets and poultry farms for our upcoming cross-sectional study. The team included Malen Chan, Bastien Malinge, Sovath Rithyvong and Dr. Ren …

Ready, Set, Tablets!

One of the goals of the project is to map the poultry trade network across the country and characterize the markets they pass through, as this can influence how avian influenza viruses evolve and spread. To achieve this, we developed questionnaires to track where poultry comes from and goes, and to describe market characteristics. This …

Welcome Bastien!

Bastien Malinge, our new PhD student, has just moved to Cambodia to kick off his research. In his first weeks, he visited the Orussey and Chbar Ampov live bird markets with Malen Chan (IPC) and Claire Guinat (INRAE) to get familiar with the local context. He has also met the epi and virology teams and …